How Can I Leverage My SDR Team for Market Research?


How Can I Leverage My SDR Team for Market Research?

We asked Kristina Savulescu, Head of SDRs at Mynewsdesk, about using SDRs to gain market insights. Here's how to learn about your target market in real-time.

We asked Kristina Savulescu, Head of SDRs at Mynewsdesk, about using SDRs to gain market insights. Here’s what she said –

SDRs can be a great source of market intelligence during a crisis. As they have daily conversations with potential customers, they are the first to be in touch with change.

Our SDRs were in touch with the dynamics of the market as they were changing in real-time. And we realized that some industries like e-commerce and logistics had sudden growth.

Their sales cycle got way shorter and were a gold mine – and we sometimes got signed contracts back in less than 48 hours. Other sectors froze their decision-making, so we developed our market knowledge and built out next quarter’s pipeline.

In terms of metrics, we estimated the change to come in incremental steps over spring and summer, so it was hard to forecast the exact impact. Our biggest pivot was more in terms of dialogue with our prospects and supporting or aligning our actions to our target market’s needs.

As SDRs have daily conversations with potential customers, they are the first to be in touch with market change.

B2B is more than ever human to human. Cold calling is incredibly relevant, as people want to connect and share ideas. This period has been useful for practicing listening and learning. Many people were interested in sharing their business matters as much as curious about how to get help.

By listening, we’ve found out that some companies simply wanted to learn how to break through the noise and get in touch with their audience. Or create a crisis communication strategy for their brand. And we’ve been there to help.

Want to get the full scoop on prospecting from Kristina? Read her full article.

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