What Outreach Techniques Should I Experiment With Now?


What Outreach Techniques Should I Experiment With Now?

A quick answer from Business Development Leader James Buckley, sharing new outreach techniques that he's experimenting with.

We asked James Buckley, Head of Business Development at Attest, his tips on updating his prospecting strategy with novel outreach techniques. Here’s what he said –

The past few months have magnified the need to continually experiment with outreach strategies and techniques, even more so than usual. When the world is moving so fast, you can’t just rely on what was working for you previously. Now, we have a way higher focus on marginal gains. Anything from reply rates on videos to the success of different intros on a cold call is under the microscope.

In terms of process, we’ve focused heavily on outbound prospecting as organic traffic has slowed a bit recently. And it’s been an excellent opportunity for the team to experiment with creative outreach techniques. Video power hours have been a great initiative to come off the back of this period!

On top of that, building out scorecards for our scripts has also enabled me to coach at scale, ensuring we have a repeatable methodology that can be tweaked and optimized.

Want to get more insights from James? Read his full article.

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