Improve your Salesforce and Dynamics to close all your sales

Turn your meetings into contracts. Close more deals more efficiently and in less time by enhancing Salesforce and Dynamics. Centralize your communications and create consistent messages to ensure the success of your sales processes.

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Does this sound familiar?

You receive scheduled meetings from other members of your team and your goal is to convert as many as possible into contracts. You conduct these product presentation meetings with potential customers that you must convert into current customers of your organization.

Key elements for closing

Prepare for meetings by reviewing past communication

The first step is to prepare for the meeting. To do this, you need to take context from the account and contact, reviewing all previous communication. Especially the call/message where the meeting was closed.

Create and review contacts from LinkedIn

If the account/contact has a LinkedIn profile, it is key to review them, see how the contact describes themselves, the company, and read the latest updates.

Contacting other people in the same account

It is very common to look for other contacts in the account and, in particular, other contacts with whom the seller has had a relationship in the past. The objective is to understand the organization in case there is interest in establishing more contacts.

Qualify opportunities

In the meeting the contact is qualified with the objective of determining if there is an opportunity or not, based on the criteria established in the sales playbook.

Organized pipeline and forecast information

It is essential to maintain a well organized pipeline of opportunities where each one of them is at the right stage, always with well defined 'next steps'. The pipeline must allow to calculate the forecast. Therefore, the fields 'amount', 'expected closing date' and stage must always be updated.

Quick access to content

It is very important to have access to content that can be sent to answer any questions or internal customer process.

This is how we optimize your CRM

We give you the innovation you need to power your Salesforce and Dynamics. Increase productivity and get better data to make good decisions.

60% Increase in Productivity

  • Ten times faster browsing speed in Salesforce and Dynamics. Company and contact views show all past activity at a glance and in one click.
  • Bring Salesforce and Dynamics to WhatsApp and LinkedIn. Send emails, call or save contacts with a single click and without leaving the social networks, while all your past activity is automatically recorded in your CRM.
  • All your contact tools are just a click away and activity is automatically reported. In addition, compose emails with AI-suggested content and view your calendar without leaving the same editor to schedule meetings by offering your available slots. In addition, our Artificial Intelligence will help you to
    report the results of activities effortlessly.
  • Access incoming activities such as calls, emails, LinkedIn, or WhatsApp messages, in a single inbox where you can respond in one click. Meeting and call reporting is guided by AI-based digital assistants that ensure that right after the meeting or call your CRM is updated.

Decrease in training time by up to 80%

  • Guided follow-up assistance for contacts and opportunities, through pre-configured cadences. Agents will know when and whom to contact.
  • Automatic information gathering and field updates. Agents will know what to record and when to record it. In addition, all activities performed will be automatically recorded in Salesforce and Dynamics.
  • Content suggestions based on the customer’s profile. Depending on the context, Bloobirds suggests which documents or messages to send.

Ensure consistency in follow-up by 95%

  • Identify contacts with no future tasks assigned. Keep your pipeline organized and ensure follow-up.
  • Use cadences to establish the follow-up plan and define upcoming tasks.
  • Add real-time marketing and commercial content suggested by Bloobirds when sending emails. Automatically segmented based on account.