How Can I Increase My Webinar Attendance?


How Can I Increase My Webinar Attendance?

We asked B2B marketing experts how they get more people to attend their webinars live. Here are their best practices.

We asked a few marketing experts for some tips to increase webinar attendance. Here’s a summary of what they said – 

Preparation is key when creating a successful webinar. 

It all starts with setting a date and time that will fit into your attendees’ agendas. After some trial and error, we’ve found that it’s usually around 9am or 5pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays. 

But don’t stop there! Make sure to engage with your audience during the promotion stage by asking them what content they would like to cover.

Send out an email asking what questions they have on the topic. This helps you make your content more relevant to your audience and saves you some content prep time as a marketer.

As you’re getting close to the date, make sure to send them a calendar invite. Include a mini schedule in the invite, highlighting any live Q&A with the panel. That way they won’t overbook your webinar’s time slot and they’ve got an incentive to join live to ask questions. 

Also, just a few minutes after you start broadcasting, send out an email blast with the direct join link to current regitrant plus any past webinars’ attendees. You’ll get more people hopping on last minute that way, and increase overall webinar attendance.

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