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    Should Your SDR Be Doing Their Own Research?

    Should your SDR be doing market research, or is it a waste of valuable selling time?
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    SDR team: Sales or Marketing’s Responsibility?

    You’re building your sales development rep team. But where should they belong- sales or marketing?
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    How Many SDRs Do I Need to Create an Outbound Team?

    Not sure where to start with your outbound team? Find out the magic number of SDRs to start your squad.
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    Should I Promote My Best SDR to AE?

    They're your SDR rockstar. You've got to promote them, or you'll lose them, but your outbound team can't afford to lose them either...
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    Should I Be Listening to All of My Sales Reps’ Calls?

    With the tiny window of time you’ve got, you can’t waste it by listening to all or random calls. A strategy will save you hours of unproductivity.